Friday, May 17, 2024

What I'm Up To (Big Smile)

After publishing 40 novels I decided I would do something else. I spent some time teaching middle school math. Stopped all my social media, dropped my beautiful website.

Hadn't expected to get back to writing....

But I lost my big brother last fall...and spiraled into a dark place. To help get out, I sat down in January and wrote a sequel to my wife's favorite series, Black Lake. I had and have no intention of publishing it.

But decided to share it, so I have repurposed my old writing blog and will begin serializing the novel there. (Last published chapter will be on look for the chapter number you need under the Labels on the right.)

Mac's Novel Idea (

It's the sixth novel with the Black Lake characters, in the Black Lake world.

I hope you'll check in, read a chapter. If you like it, suggest it to a friend.

- Love you all.

The series' original blurb:

The game in the gorges and rich pastures of the highlands draw humans, giants, and little people to the Range. The majical kind follow. So do the orcs and goblins from the eastern desert. The races must put centuries of hatred behind them to live in peace.

The first four novels were set in a pre-industrial era. Five and six are present time, but in a world where ogres and trolls may be your next door neighbor.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Morning in the Park

Playing with Rumble ... let's see if this works (smile)

A wild hair--publishing a photo...Wow!

A foggy Tampa morning.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Monday, February 24, 2020

For Readers...I hope you'll visit my Writerly blog


A very special friend has a new book out. I hope you'll consider adding it to your TBR list. Jump over to my Writerly blog and read about it.

Monday, February 3, 2020

40 Novel Milestone

Just Dropping in...

 ... To kick off some Whoopie.

(After sitting around with both hands in casts for six weeks...I've finally gotten my 40th novel in Amazon ... and I know all of you will wish to support me by buying a copy. Because I have medical bills to pay, after all.)

So here it is...

A dude-lit un-romance, a tale of career gone wrong, with a tad of humor and suspense.

Guv-Gulliver Simon loves single life. While he’s avoiding the cops for two deaths he’s tangentially connected, two women he thinks of as sisters, mostly-usually (he's a man, it's hard not to notice they're drop-dead gorgeous), have decided they don’t want to be just friends. There’re a couple others who wish to make him a daily habit too. He strives to avoid what they consider inevitable as they all become harder to ignore. It’s all a guy can do to stay sane, while making it to the gym every night.

Click over to Amazon and buy this great novel. Please.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Missing in Action

Hello Friends

I had an interesting December-January. Learned Dec 6 my mother had passed. On the 13, returning to Tampa via Houston, I was in a motorcycle accident.

Eleven fractures later, I'm still recovering. First time I've tried to type (three fractures in my hands). But it isn't real painful. Won't be a long note though.

I've slept more than anything else, and Tramadol and I are great friends now.

Never recommend breaking ribs or a sternum.

So if you've noticed I haven't been visible...that's why. As I catch up with all the things that have been backing up, I hope I'll be back visiting your blogs.

Until then, I've been missing you.
